Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sustainability Across Curriculum Lecture

Today I attended the lecture “Sustainability Across the Curriculum: Stories and Strategies for Change”. Guest speaker Geoffrey Chase presented the lecture that highlighted the need for more environmentally incorporated curriculum. He is a firm believer in sustainability and higher education. Chase went on to explain that sustainability requires meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Chase further went on to point out that there must be an intersection of three domains in any college curriculum: economic, social and environmental. By doing so a student can develop awareness about his or her environment and sustainability through thinking and questioning.

            After listening to Chase’s suggestions, I must say that I agree with incorporating sustainability into our curriculum. It is a real life issue and something we come in contact with every day. If we are going to college to become a professional in our field of study it is only inevitable that we learn about current issues we will face both in and outside of the workplace. The way Chase presented his ideas of curriculum incorporation sounded interesting as well. He gave several examples of how sustainability could be presented in several interdisciplinary subjects. Design in particular is a prime candidate for introducing sustainability. There are several ways design can play a huge role in environmental issues. Personally, I would like to learn about sustainable design because if we are future, then I would like to take part in a change for the better.   

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